Monday, December 11, 2006


I'm trying to post more regularly, so this may be a bit disjointed, at least I'm posting. The munchkin has taken to breathign into empty water bottles and cups. At first she liked the musical tones, but now she just breathing very heavily. Then she walks around growling to herself. Now I'm sure this is some developmental throat thing, but I've taken to calling her Darth Baby. My husband loves it. So there's a giggle.
In more serious news, I have one final exam down and three to go. Today is the last official day of regular classes, and I couldn't be happier. This semester has really pushed me to my breaking point. As I always, I realized that I need to be more organized so I can use my time more efficiently. I also need to be more realsitc about my course load. But it seems like I've been defeated, somehow.
Well more from the trenches later. I also have a huge pile of Xmas knitting to finish. I need a few more hours in each day, but then don't we all.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

She's just too much

My little munchkin, put on such a show at my doctor's office, that an office woman gave her a sizeable stuffed animal. And not just any animal, but Max, the Grinch's dog, complete with the antler tied to his head. And all she had to do was be cute. What a dangerous precedent. I don't want her to be one of those girls who thinks she can get anythign by batting her eyelashes. The funniest part, is that she put on a little show for the woman. I don't think the woman realized, I but I know the munchkin too well. So Merry Christmas, nice office lady. Sorry you were had by a toddler.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

A little fun in between end of the semester nonesense

You are the World

Completion, Good Reward.

The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, and as such represents saturnian energies, time, and completion.

The World card pictures a dancer in a Yoni (sometimes made of laurel leaves). The Yoni symbolizes the great Mother, the cervix through which everything is born, and also the doorway to the next life after death. It is indicative of a complete circle. Everything is finally coming together, successfully and at last. You will get that Ph.D. you've been working for years to complete, graduate at long last, marry after a long engagement, or finish that huge project. This card is not for little ends, but for big ones, important ones, ones that come with well earned cheers and acknowledgements. Your hard work, knowledge, wisdom, patience, etc, will absolutely pay-off; you've done everything right.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

One Little Duck

It's the cutest costume ever, and the tights.... needless to say she was a big hit!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Let's try it again

I tried to post this before, but it didn't work. Besides the history bit, I think this is very accurate, but I never would have guessed Gold. Hmmmmmm! Pics of the Munchkin in a duck costume are on the way.

What Color is Your Brain?


At work or in school: I like set routines and organized ways of doing thingsl rules and directions are a great help to me. I prefer to stay on one topic at a time. I need to know what is expected of me, and I always want to know if I am on the right track. I like subjects that are useful and traditional, such as business, accounting, history and government.
With friends: I prefer people who are careful with their money and who make plans ahead of time. I like my friends to be loyal, dependable and on time. I am serious about love and show it in many practical ways.
With family: I like stability and security and enjoy traditions and frequent celebrations. I like to spend holidays with family members, and I plan ahead for such gatherings.
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |

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Monday, October 23, 2006

LogoThere is:
person with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Well after having to drop Calculus, and blowing an Organic Exam this made me feel pretty special.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Rudy! Rudy!

So two weeks ago, my dear dear husband got up before dawn to drive us to South Bend so I could meet Rudy. The Rudy. Now I guess I should explain my love for the Irish. For our second weddign anniversary my husband scored tickets to a Notre Dame home game. Plus his "buddy-in-the-know" scored us a parkign permit next to the grotto and gave us a run down of all the campus must sees on game day. Now this may not sound romantic to some of you, but I started to cry when we sat in our seats, above the tunnel. When they came running out onto the field, I couldn't breathe.When we walked arouns the stadium, I kept referencing the movie Rudy because that was as close as I had ever gotten to being on campus. So this was a huge moment for me.
Back to present day, so here we are, the munchkin tired of her stroller and me, completely blissed out, waiting for Rudy, the man the myth the legend to show up. And he did. And he signed a picture to the munchkin, a helmet for me, took pictures with us, and when we showed up 20 minutes later with said pictures in hand, he signed those too. He was impressed with our ingenuity. My husband is a ventern when it comes to the sports-autograph session.

As if the day couldn't get any better, we stopped at our favorite restaurant in Shipshawana for fried chicken and pie. And I knit an entire sock leg in the car (once the sun woke up of course.) speakign of the esock, I really like the two circular needle method. I'm making a pair for my grandpa to try it out and it really is faster. (pictures to come) I'm also workign on a a pair of cascadign leaves socks (IK pattern) for myself in a Knitpicks palette colorway fawn, It reminds me of squash, sort of butternut, very fall. I can't wait until they're done.
Also, in school related news, i can breathe a little easier. Analytical Chemistry one of my nightmare classes, is going pretty well. I'm hitting my numbers and getting A's on my lab. Thank God! Truly, my prof had me so worried about his grading system that I've been wakign up and bolting upright in the night. Poor husband, I've really got him spooked. Well, off to bed.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Only the begining

Today is a damp and dreary day, but it's actually cooler too. So I have seen lots of sweaters on campus. And the line for soup in the food court was amazing long. I love it. Every fall-like day that pops up in between the humid end of August, makes me insaely happy. Fall is my favorite time of year, and I'm getting a glimpse of it today. I can't wait to get home an dmake a big mug of tea and curl up with my knitting. I'm curreetnly finishing a pair of Xmas socks, so I can finish a pair of red marbled socks for myself. I tried on th elone sock last night to inspire me to knit faster so I can get to my own stuff. I also plan on finishing Zoe's new sweater this weekend. It's the "Like Father, Like Son" pattern from the Yarn Girl's Guide to Kid Knits. I found a soft chunky yarn, that is pink and purple varigated, on clearance this month. I have the front and back finished, now for the arms, and sewing. Well, back to my fall day dreaming, I mean Organic Chemsitry notes.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I wanted to post a big messy photo, but my munchkin would not do it. She did get frosting on her face, but she mostly ate the cake. It was chocolate after all. And here she is on her pony, becuase in the words of her Godmother: Every little girl needs a pony. Thanks Athenae!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Happy birthday to the Munchkin! She is one year old today. I knew I would be excited but I didn't expect to be quite so emotional. Now I understand why my mother gets upset if I don't call her on my birthday. It's not just my birthday but a very special day for her as well. I've been talking to the munchkin all morning, telling her about what this day was like last year and about how much I love her. Of course she just wants to tear apart the garbage and chew on pens, her usual. But I'm swimming in a pool of happy memories. So happy birthday to my baby, who has grown so much!

Friday, July 21, 2006

And now we cue the music

Summer session is over! My finals are over! I want to shout from the roof tops and drink a few beers. Instead I'm eating soem lovely sauteed kale with white beans and carmalized onions. And tonight my dear husband is putting a chicken on the rotisserre. He got a grill set up and it's amazing. And then the celebratory cocktails will flow.
I'm so happy to free to sew and knit. In fact I need to finish some items before our vacation in August. Look out San Francisco here I come!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

She did it!

The Munckin at the children's museum.

The munchkin took her first steps on her own today. I was so excited I actually jumped up and down. Which made her laugh and clap her hands. My husband even rushed hoem to see if she would walk for him. Of course the minute we got the video camera out, she refused to try anymore. But what a day. Seh did it, she really did it!

In other news, I finished an afghan for my sister's b-day. It's the Lion Brand 4 hour afghan. now it took me longer than four hours, but it was pretyt speedy. But then what do you expect from a size Q crichet hook. I didn't know they came that big.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

A great day!

It started early, but it was great! The munchkin and I went to the Farmer's Market. They had blueberries, and raspberries and peaches. I came home with bright yellow chard that was taller than the kid. No joke. I stuffed some of the leaves with quinoa mixed with apricots and currants and almonds. Mmmmmmmm! And I made up a quick batch of lentils, and the muchkin actually ate them this time. The first time I tried them with her, they were very plain and she actually took them out of her mouth. but this time the celery, carrot, onion and bay leaves improved the taste and she ate them without complaint. We made a trip to Wild Oats, where among the oragnic eggs and yogurt, I picked up Brie studded with Walnuts, and Pesto Jack cheese. I also could have bought every last olive they had, but I plan to send Zoe to college some day. :) It was so nice and cool this evening when I water the garden and I noticed a million baby tomatoes adn a zillion flowers on the beans. We'll be eating pretty in a few weeks. Plus my lavender beel pepper has not only peppers but sctual purple peppers on it. Of course that's what it's supposed to do, but I'm excited all the same.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


We finally have a tooth. Or rather the munchkin has one. It broke through on Thursday. And I was wrong about thinking it would be easier after one broke. And that little guy is very sharp! My first Pampered Chef Party, as a consultant didn't happen on Friday. No one RSVP and I only got a few orders, so it's not enough to count for a catalog show. If I can't get people to come to my house for free food, how will I get anyone to host a party? But I did have a good time with the parental units this weekend. Munchkin learned a new trick, she lays down on her side when you say "Night, night." And she is so close to walking on her own. Her standing balance has really improved, and she stands all on her own now. I was about to cast off for the neckline of the shapely tank when I realized that I made the wrong decrease and arm hole shaping. Somewhere along the line I forgot which size I was making, and switched to the wrong one. So I frogged it. But I'm getting much better at that. I can get all the stitches back on the needles without twisting. And I'm almost back to the neckline. However I sliced my thumb on a mandolin (slicing onions) and was off duty for a day. It's better today, as long as I don't squeeze it. And of course it's my dominant hand. But I did manage to finish one of my xmas socks.
The moral of my convoluted story.... One step forward, one back (sometimes two, but I'm trying to be positive). Now I'm off to work through equilibrium problems and trig functions. Such fun, I can hardly wait!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

pretty close actually

I am a excalibur!
Find your own pose!

It was either this or complain about my Chemistry class. I figure this is more pleasing. :)

Monday, June 26, 2006

The munchkin says Hi!
Just a short post today, to get back into the habit. Summer school is insane. I definately won't be takign physics next summer. Lab classes and the summer schedule don't mix!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

One of the munchkin's new favorite toys, much to her Daddy's displeasure.

The baby sweater I made for my freind Kelly. She's due to pop in July but she hardly looks pregnant. And no swollen feet. So unfair.

Something Fun

Your Dosha is Pitta

You have a quick mind, a gift for persuasion, and a sharp sense of humor.
You have both the drive and people skills to be a very successful leader.
Argumentative and a bit stubborn, you have been known to be a little too set in your ways.
But while you may be biased toward your own point of view, you are always honest, fair, and ethical.

With friends: You are outgoing and open to anyone who might want to talk to you

In love: You are picky but passionate

To achieve more balance: Be less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight.

Friday, June 23, 2006

I did it!

Okay so I have some actual FO pics to post, and I'll get to that later today. But my biggest achievement to date is making it through this week. This was my first week of Chemistry and Trig. Because the summer classes are time compressed, we have two labs and an exam every week. Add to this the foreign language of trigonometry and a teething baby, and I thought I was going to lose it. But here I am, relaxing with a Ramen cup and the laptop. I think the test went well, and I even followed the entire Trig lecture. Ahhhhhhhh! Now to check in on my favorite blogs. Pics will be posted later.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Bad Blogger

So I've been bad about posting, again. And there has been so much to write about. The munchkin is crawling and trying so hard to walk. She can do it while holding on to the coffee table or couch, but she starting to test her balance by letting go. And she not half bad either. I love to watch her explore and learn new things, but at the same time it's so bittersweet. She's growing entirely too fast.
I was in Chicago last weekend, and saw Wicked. Thanks Athenae, for an amazing weekend. then back to he grind (aka summer school). I'm almost done with pre-calculus algebra. Then, in two weeks I move on to trig and the sceond half of my Intro to Chemsitry. And then I will be back on track, and all made up for the maternity leave.
I've also been wriiting a lot and just baout ready to send a few pieces out, to contests. Big deep breathe. this is so scary for me. I expect to be rejected but I don't like it all the same.
My garden is starting to fill in. I finally got my roses this year. And I've started working on the Xmas knitting. As my french teacher used to say "There's no rest for the wicked and righteous don't need it." I'm not sure which one I am......

Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Spring!

We had a great Easter weekend! The munchkin's god parents came out, and we ate and drank and were very merry. The weather was great. Best part is that I cooked for an army (it's genetic) so this week I don't have to cook, just warm. I hope you all had a great weekend, whatever your creed or location.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Booking Through Thursday

Reach out a hand, and grab the book that is closest to you. Turn to page 231, or pick a page at random if the book isn't that long. Locate the first sentence of the last paragraph on that page.

  1. Type the sentence here: "Bravo," said Mr. Gardiner.

  2. Does the sentence make sense out of context? This doesn't make a lot of sense, but it's obivously a happy exclamation.

  3. Does reading the sentence make you want to read the rest of the book? Why or why not? Yes, actually, even though it's a short setnence I want to know what's going on. Why is Mr. Gardiner happy? Is anyone else happy?

Monday, April 10, 2006

When blue turns to red

I'm usually a very liberal person but I am so tired of all these immigrant protests. My family came through Ellis Island. My grandparents spoke Polish at home. My Great grandfather even bought land sit-unseen in Wisconsin and the family started completely from scratch. But the point is that even though it wasn't' easy, and they didn't speak English well, they jumped through the hoops and became citizens. So why can't everyone else? Why should we make special exceptions for people who have managed to hide out and ignore the rules for such a long time. Isn't that reinforcing bad behavior? Why should anyone follow the rules if special allowances will be made? I have this problem at school too. Kids cheat and slide their way through, and act so incredulous when they get caught cheating, or when they don't get A's simply for existing. I am sick to death with people who expect everything they want for nothing. Sorry about the rant. I don't usually do this, but I'm so sick of hearing about this issue.

Friday, April 07, 2006

I forgot again

Yes I forgot, yet again to take the camera with me to my weekly knitting group. And the munchkin was such a ham! She sat on the floor in the center of the circle, and smiled at everyone. She's started cocking her head to the side, and nearly folding herself in half, to the side. So she performed for anyone who paid attention. And she giggled and cooed and flapped her arms. She was quite the spectacle. And I actually got a few rows done. Nothing momentous, but a few more rows than I had before. I'm currently working on the shapely tank from White Lies Designs. I'm makign it in a sinful silk blend from Lanna Grossa. I'll get pics up this weekend, I hope. It has a variegated green and cream color way, and an amazing drape. I can't wait until it's done , and it's warm here. Well that's not fair, it's 72 right now, but I know it's going to in the 40's again tomorrow. So I'm not getting too excited. Well, I should get back to my homework. The end of the semester can be a real bear.

A little late

Booking Through Thursday

This week's questions were suggested by Kim.

  1. Do you have a favorite character(s)? I adore Elizabeth Bennet.

  2. What book/author is he/she/it from? She's from Pride and Prejudice. Austen is my favorite author.

  3. Why do you like this person--what is it about the way he/she was written that drew you to them? I love the contrast between Lizzie and her family. She has silly sisters, and a lunatic mother. But she is smart and proud, and not afraid to be who she is. I love that in a heroine.

  4. Is there something more you would like the author to tell you about them? After reading and rereading the novel many times, I feel as though Lizzie is a dear friend. Like most of my favorite books, I wish it hadn't ended. And there has been a rash of sequels to Pride and Prejudice, but I have yet to find one, though I own many versions, that I like as my as the original. If you're interested, the best I've found so far is called "Mr. Darcy's Daughters" by Elizabet Aston.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Booking Through Thursday

Pick one of your favorite authors. Donna Tarte

  1. What are some of your favorite books by this author The Secret History

  2. Why do you like this author? She has an amazing vocabulary, and a very classical style. Reading her is almost like reading Austen, another favorite.

  3. Have you read everything by this author? Why or why not? So far she only has two novels, so yes. But I read them backwards, not that they are sequential.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Loose Ends

Well, with the hubby away I've been tying up loose ends, almost literally. His vest is completely finished, the munchkin's pinafore is done, and two afghan square are going out in Monday's mail. I'm back where I re-started on Eris, and much happier with this second attempt, and I just may get around to toe up sock #2. I feel very productive, and very tired. The munchkin woke up last night at 1:00 and screamed bloody murder until about 2:30. It felt much later than that though. She hasn't needed a mid-night bottle in months. I don't know what got into her. She'd better not do it tonight.
I've come away from my sister's wedding with a little wisdom. Yes I hate sewing items with a lining, and yes satin is not on my favorites list, but I do like to sew. I'm thinking the munchkin may need some cute summer clothes. I love the tanks that button in the back over little bloomer type shorts, or maybe some cute sun dresses. Hmmmmm, I may just have to go to JoAnn's.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

An Austen Devote

You scored as Marianne Dashwood. Most girls can relate with Marianne on a more personal level than some of Austen's other characters. She represents the emotional longings and struggles that seem to attack and bless us at the same time. Loyal to a fault, passionate for experience and life, and a bit over-emotional, Marianne matures and grows (making her so beloved).

Marianne Dashwood


Elizabeth Bennet


Elinor Dashwood


Emma Woodhouse


Jane Bennet


Charlotte Lucas


Lady Catherine


Which Jane Austen Character are You? (For Females) Long Quiz!!!
created with

Monday, March 13, 2006

It's been so long

I have been entirely to busy with my lil sis's wedding. But now it's over, and after much wailing and nashing of teeth it turned out okay. And so now I have my life back, sort of. I was off for Spring Break last week, and now I'm back to the grind. And DH's traveling season is gearing up. So lots of baby time for me. But at least I'm getting back into my groove. I hope to have FO pics by the end of the week. How ambitious! In the mean time, how about some cute.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Booking Through Thursday

  1. How many books do you usually take with you on vacation? Too many? Too few? Do you still have room to pack clothes? Iusuallt shove two into my knitting bag, but I spend too much time talking and rarely finish both.

  2. What kind of books do you read on vacation? I usually have a stack of long awaited books that I turn to. I like to savor something that I've ben waitting for.

  3. Do you read the same kind of books when you're on vacation as when you're at home? I usually do read the same types of stuff. But if I'm hitting a beach I try to pick a mass market paperback, so I don't feel bad if it's gets sandy or wet.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Congratulations! You are Lynette Scavo, the

ex-career woman who traded the boardroom for

boredom, mixed with moments of sheer panic as

the mother of four unmanageable kids.

Which Desperate Housewife are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, February 06, 2006

Chemical genius?

Okay, maybe not genius, but I was feeling pretty close on Thursday. Instead of a real lab, we had a problem set in preparation for our exam today. And I was one the first ones done, with no errors. I continued to pound out the problems and today I took the exam. Would you believe that the only thing I'm not perfectly sure about is the charges on my ions. I may have mixed some up but the formulas were right. And again, I was one of the first people done. Same thing happened in Algebra on Friday, but I only got a B on that one. But it is Math, so I guess for me that's like an A+ And I'm going to get better. I will. Now one more exam, tomorrow is Art History. Guess I should start studying, huh? I'm a little behind on that one, but it is multiple choice. :)

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Booking Through Thursday

This week's questions brought to you by Deb, reader extraordinaire. Thank you, Deb.

  1. Do you lend your books to other people? Yes, in fact thats how I've made a lot of firends, by exchanging books.

  2. If so, do you get them back? Most of the time.

  3. What do you do if they're not returned? Send the police? Stop speaking to the borrower? Storm the house and take them back? Most of the time, I've already stopped talking to the person in question. That's probably why I don't get them back.

Monday, January 30, 2006

My best daydream

So I've foung it, my dream house. While trapped under a sleepy baby, I scanned the the internet, and I've found the best web site ever: real estate in Europe, most importantly France. So I thought I'd share my day dreams with you all. I can just see me curled up in an armchair knitting in the afternoon sun with a mug of tea nearby. Hmmmmmm......

Thursday, January 26, 2006

30 at 30

I've been meaning to post this list for awhile, but the Munchkin and school has taken up a lot of time. So here is my New Year's Manifesto. Since I turned 30 on New Year's Day, I decided rather than setting typical resolutions I would choose 30 things I've always wanted or meant to do. So here I go, and these are in no particular order:
1. Do shoulderstand
2. Do King Pigeon
3. Do headstand
4. Knit a sweater for myself (Eris?)
5. Lose 20 pounds
6. Make a perfect cheese souffle
7. Finish my herb garden (tea garden)
8. Set up my cutting garden
9. Lower my cholesterol
10. Finish NANOWRIMO
11. Enter 3 writing contests
12. Join the church choir
13. Do the Cropwalk
14. Get more Blog savvy
15. Make 12 items for the Ocoze Huyaku Project
16. Set up a recycling center in the garage
17. Increase my tomato crop
18. Get through "Cracking the coconut"
19. Get through my French country cookbook
20. Finish Zoe's baby book
21. Put up the outdoor Xmas lights
22. Read Wuthering Heights
23. Read Swann's Way
24. Watch more hockey
25. Read Anna Karinina
26. read Madame Bovary
27. Master Whole grain bread
28. Use up the farmer's cheese in my freezer (there's tons)
29. Get Zoe into a real routine
30. Go to the farmer's market more often

And as if 30 weren't enough, I'll be conquering my fear of Math this year. By Xmas I have to get through at least one semester of calculus. Lord help me.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Spring already?

I walked across campus with out my jacket today. The grass was green, the squirrels were playing and the birds were making a racket. The Quad was hopping! But wait isn't January? I could have sworn the semester just started, but it feels as though it's drawing to a close. Go figure. I guess I'm just grumpy. Three hours of math will do that. Oh, wait! There's more, probably another hour of math homework. Why does Science have to be so linked with Math? I bet I could do Organic chemistry with out Calculus. Do you dare me?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

So I went a little picture crazy, But it had been so long, and a blog just isn't fun without pictures. So....
This is a scarf for my MIL , but the yardage isn't right for the pattern, so it's about to be ripped out. The picture isn't very good, because there is a pattern and a row of bobbles on the end. Of course due to the nature of bright variegated chenille, the pattern isn't very obvious in person either. But MIL likes it an she paid for the yarn so...
This is Petrol otherwise known as DH's xmas present. But I found out that some of my measurements were off, so I have more to do before I finish, including ripping out the CO edge to continue up the back. I could kick myself, so that too has gone to the side for a night or two.
This is actually just Lion Brand Homespun that I had left over. But the gauge works for the new cover sweater, and I love ballet wraps....
But here is something exciting: my first toe up sock (first successful one). And now that I got my provisional stitches untwisted, I love this method. Now I have 'take with me knitting" which is a must.
And finally this is Koigu I forgot I had, so Clapotis here I come! Except that I'm trying to hold out until the vest is done. I don't want DH's head to explode. Anyone else running in multile directions?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Curse you stomach bug

Ok, no pictures yet, or real interesting posting for that matter. The munchkin got a stomach bug, and has been very ill. It's an odd feeling to watch your four month old choke her way through the stomach flu. Poor thing got all red and weepy. And it killed me to sit there and watch. I know it has to run it's course, but oh, it killed me. So far today she's been holding Pedialyte down, and so far a little milk. Fingers crossed. We go back to the Doc tomorrow, but more importantly I hope she's perkier tomorrow. She spent most of this evenign screaming because she was hungry. I don't blame her, but I couldn't give her too much too fast. Ah, the joys of motherhood. I would rather be sick myself than watch her go through it. Now I know how my Mom felt when I was so sick as a baby. Sorry Mom!

Monday, January 02, 2006

I'm back

Well, I'm back from Wisconsin, and not a moment too soon. It was a very emotional holiday, on top of which I got a second case of mastitis and a round of food poisoning. To top it off I turned thirty. So I'm happy to be back home and I'm trying to get back to normal. I'll be putting some pictures of the munchkin tomorrow, and maybe I'll even get a little knitting done tonight, after some unpacking. I'm so glad to be home.