After the torrential rain passed, we've had some nice weather, so the munchkin was able to spend time in her new favorite place, the sand box. And what do i do when she's ensconced in sand? This is the current sock, a birthday present for my sister. And since it's a lovely day, here's a shot from the new deck....
So I'm am happily installed, mostly, in our house. And im loving being back in Wisconsin.No offense to my Indiana friends, but it never felt liek home to me. I feel as though i belong here. And it's a really good feeling. But hte knitting, it suffers. I've lost my mojo. I was kickign butt on the Mystic Light shawl, until the 4th clue. And now it seems that I'm ruining everything I touch. I swear I have a mistake in everyhing right now. So I've decided in order to turn things around I need to knit for someone else. Karma, right? So I'm trying to finiah the infamous Jesse's Flames for my brother. Maybe that will snap me out the pit of yuck. But in the mean time, I'm picking up the muchkin tomorow and pics will follow. Then I can shoe you all th lovely new house. Maybe that'll help......