If you haven't looked yet, hop on over to Twist Collective for the new summer issue. I will be making the vest for DH and I especially love Franklin Habit's spread.
June is also the beginning of The new 52 Pair Plunge and I'm just crazy enough to sign up. That's right, in a vain attempt to knit more socks for my daughter and DH I'm taking the plunge. I don't know if I'll actually make 52 but I bet I'll knit more than I would have on my own. Zoe really needs some knee socks for playing in the snow. My first fresh Plunge project is The Crystalline Lattice Sock made in Panda Wool colorway red cinnamon. Pictures will follow, but it's too little to take a shot now.
I've also made a couple Neckwarmers for Christmas presents. It's a fun cable, and knits up fast. I'm using random stash yarn and buttons form my big glass button yarns. Zoe loved playing with them. She didn't believe me when I said "We're going to dump them all out."
In un-knitting news, my new vegetable patch is coming along. And for you Indiana readers, it's bigger than the raised beds from Muncie. :)
I will find the camera cord tonight tonight and get pictures loaded after work. Included will be pictures from The Dragonfly in Amber Swap. I've been so bad about getting my pictures up. And it's shame because I got an awesome sporran!