Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The weather outside is frightful

That's the view from the winodw of my office. Although now it's coming down quite thickly. This week we've white out conditions followed by torrents of freeziong rain, follwed by a warm and wild Thunder storms and now we're back to snow. And it should be dropping to single digits tonight so all the leftover rain and slush will adhere itslef to bridges and streets in a way that denture adhesives can only imagine. Our sump pumps has run more this week than any January week I can remeber and this moring when I heard a rumbling noise I outside I actually questioned if it was more Thunder or just the Snow Plow. All of this messes with my asthma in truely wicked way and of course my munchkin has been home sick as well. But she's a tropper and has been figthing off the second grade fever illness all month. So I guess she was due. This is of course has meant a fairly steady stream of Chinese takeout. It's my favorite "I can't breathe" comfort food. And the munchkin can slurp lo mein with the best of them. Well, as long as there are no "gross green things" in it. Luckily our place makes it plain. But as our waistlines bulge and our finger swell, I'm thinking of come better ideas. Meryl from "My Bit of Earth" wrote about her recent Soup Swap and I have to say that I can't wait to organize my own. And then there's Alana, who almsot made me feel like a bad Mom, for plying my child with greasy noodles. Her idea of sick food sounds much better, not to mention more wholesome. When I was pregnant I ate a Congee dish almost every morning for breakfast. It was comforting and soothing. My favorite toppings were toasted, crumbled nori sheets, sesame seeds and green onions. Yum! Maybe we'll do that tonight. Or I coudl always make my chicken soup, loving named Rem's soup after my Grandma who put the recipe together. Some day I'll have to write about why we started calling it Birthday Soup. But for now I leave you with a snowy cozy image and some yummy links to keep you cozy.