Back to present day, so here we are, the munchkin tired of her stroller and me, completely blissed out, waiting for Rudy, the man the myth the legend to show up. And he did. And he signed a picture to the munchkin, a helmet for me, took pictures with us, and when we showed up 20 minutes later with said pictures in hand, he signed those too. He was impressed with our ingenuity. My husband is a ventern when it comes to the sports-autograph session.

As if the day couldn't get any better, we stopped at our favorite restaurant in Shipshawana for fried chicken and pie. And I knit an entire sock leg in the car (once the sun woke up of course.) speakign of the esock, I really like the two circular needle method. I'm making a pair for my grandpa to try it out and it really is faster. (pictures to come) I'm also workign on a a pair of cascadign leaves socks (IK pattern) for myself in a Knitpicks palette colorway fawn, It reminds me of squash, sort of butternut, very fall. I can't wait until they're done.
Also, in school related news, i can breathe a little easier. Analytical Chemistry one of my nightmare classes, is going pretty well. I'm hitting my numbers and getting A's on my lab. Thank God! Truly, my prof had me so worried about his grading system that I've been wakign up and bolting upright in the night. Poor husband, I've really got him spooked. Well, off to bed.