Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spring cleaning

We are in the process of selling our house, so the idea of clutter has been bandied about a lot lately. I also hope that at soem point this year the snow will melt, and I will be able to open the windows. All of this puts me in a sparse place of mind. I wan tto stream line our meals and work out more (to hopefully stream line my body too). Some of my favorite simple recipes include: baked chicken the hubby's favorite Shepherd's Pie and amazing Mac and Cheese Cups And I plan to try this beet salad and Chinese Chicken Balls. I saw this on Food in Jars, and it fits perfectly into my current mind set. Why not Take the Pledge yourself. And while you're at it check out this post.

1 comment:

Meryl said...

Oh goodness, I don't even want to think of the purging that must be happening! When I was in college and moving every year, my stuff was so streamlined. Now that I have time to spread out and settle in more between moves I'm not nearly as minimalist as I'd like to be.