Friday, May 04, 2007

No more homework
No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks

at least for a couple months.... That's right finals are officially over. They weren't great but they didn't need to be. Now I'm on to the unwinding. If the rain blows over my knitting girls will be enjoying grilled strip steaks and grilled corn with their cosmos, if not I'll boil the corn and broil the steaks. But either way there will be Cosmos and cake. Yahoo!


Unknown said...

Enjoy your respite! Go do something fun with Munchkin. Have a great trip up north.

Anonymous said...

Cosmos and cake sound like my kind of party! Enjoy your break and relax! You earned it!

Your Secret Pal

Elinor said...

Hey, I just came across your blog! It's great! I'm glad I'm not the only mama working through organic chem! What are you studying?? It's great to be done, isn't it? I love living guilt-free between semesters!