Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Ah, it's that time again. Time to reflect on the past year and plan for the next. Honestly this year has been such a mess that anything I plan for the new year has got to better. With that in mind I've been giving my personal goals a good look-see and I've decided that along with the move, the hospitalizations and the poor adjustments I'm not in bad shape after all. I've really gotten into a workout program and I'm losing actual weight (down a pants size). I got a 3.85 GPA despite the daycare drama. And I do like the new house. So it's not all bad. Which leave me with the question of what next? The new seed catalogs are rolling in and the new calender is begging for me to write all over it. So what's the plan? First the boring stuff: keep up the exercise and weight loss in hopes of lowering cholesterol; decide on window treatments for the kitchen/great room; finally get a headboard for our bedroom. And then the fun stuff, my biggest goal this year is to get work ready. I am so very tired of school, and it's finally drawing to a close. So it's time to look towards a job. This is tricky because I want to be a writer. But I don't write enough in my daily life. I write many papers a semester but that's not the same. My first initiative is to finish the research study that I started this fall. I won't be doing it for class credit now, just for the thrill of digging through science journals. I'm hoping to make some contacts and find a few interesting story ideas along the way. As much as I love fiction and memoir, I need to focus on the science writing if I want to eat. As a fun project I will be rededicating myself to the blog. And not just quick posts about knitting or lack there of. I'm planning longer essays as a way to flex that creative muscle. So these are my resolutions, simply put to keep it up and write more. What are your resolutions or lack there of? Personally I think keeping it simple is the best resolution of all.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday, December 05, 2008

A New Me!

Well sort of. I've had the cut for a few months now, but the color is new, and didn't show up so well. Should have taken a shot in the sun before we went shopping. It's a deep violet, red, with intense red burst here and there. Since it's so curly it makes a nice red glow all around. Yippee! I was feeling very middle age boring, so it was this or body art. Seriously I almost got pierced but so far this is holding me over, maybe a new lipstick too. And the fact that I've lost ten pounds this fall doesn't hurt either. I just might be sexy by Christmas. :)

Well back to my sourdough bread (that's rising very slowly) and final papers. After this coming week I'll have time to knit! And it's a good thing too, with Christmas coming and all.