Well sort of. I've had the cut for a few months now, but the color is new, and didn't show up so well. Should have taken a shot in the sun before we went shopping. It's a deep violet, red, with intense red burst here and there. Since it's so curly it makes a nice red glow all around. Yippee! I was feeling very middle age boring, so it was this or body art. Seriously I almost got pierced but so far this is holding me over, maybe a new lipstick too. And the fact that I've lost ten pounds this fall doesn't hurt either. I just might be sexy by Christmas. :)
Well back to my sourdough bread (that's rising very slowly) and final papers. After this coming week I'll have time to knit! And it's a good thing too, with Christmas coming and all.
You are one hot momma! Does Munchkin like it? Once I went dark iin hair color and my then 7 year old started crying and asking for her old Mom back!
What do you mean sexy by Christmas? You already were, you sassy thing, you!
Loving the new color too! :)
Lovely cut! It finally got cold here and I am wear the socks you knit me for the Nancy Bush swap. Sooo warm! Congratulations on the weight loss too.
i love love love
your new hair it
makes me think
of dark chocolate
and red wine
i miss your face
See? what'd I tell you, e e cummings. I can't wait until january!
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