The mailman was very good to me today. Along with a new IN STYLE, and a present for the baby, he hand delivered a box of yarn. The black yarn will be used for the Broad Street Mittens from knitty.com, for my Dad. They will make putting outdoor xmas decorations up in the north woods much more enjoyable. The bright yarn is for Anouk, again from knitty, for the munchkin to wear for Thanksgiving. The orange is lighter than I hoped but I think it will turn out okay.
Speakingof the munchkin, here's a picture of the hat I made for her. It's the umbilical cord hat from Stitch 'N Bitch (the original) I really liked the pattern so, I may make up a few more before it gets cold. It was fast, easy and mindless. A nice break from more intricate projects.

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