Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The best of summer

So the recent heat has had me thinking about how I tolerate summer. I should preface this by sayign that I LOVE fall and the begining of winter. Those first couple snows make me so happy. And what's more beautiful than a crisp automn day complete with breeze, fiery leaves and the smell of a fireplace somewhere...
Alas it's July and I'm determined to make the most of it, by making salads for dinner and sharing some photos...

Zoe offers sunscreen to Elmo

And it's just not summer without my ivy geraniums. I fell in love with them in Paris.... Mmmmm......
My first sucessfull hollyhock, my mother is sooooooo jealous!

And my Dahlias are doing very well. Some where I lost the picture of my herbs... Let's just say that I haev four differnt kinds of basil and about fourteen types of herbs. Oh Fifteen becuase lavender counts too!


Unknown said...

I beat the heat by staying indoors with my AC blasting and the knitting at hand!

Lynn said...

I want a herb garden! Alas, I've *killed* 4 different kinds of basil and 14 total herbs. Your pictures are fabulous though. I don't miss the heat and humidity in july and august in the midwest, but I do miss seasons. It seems like it's week to week around here. Enjoy the fresh herbs for me!