Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Traveling with the Baby

We've made it to the woods! The munchkin was wonderful while we drove from Muncie to Milwaukee, but she was a little fussy driving up to the woods today. We stopped for her to nurse twice, in a four hour drive. And she was a little fussy setteling in at Grandma's house. But now she's sleepig quietly on the souch with Grandma's dog Lucky. Lucky is very anxious about this little human. I don't think he's ever seen one before, and everytime she grunts or coos, he goes crazy.
But the woods are beautiful, the fall colors are approaching their peak, and it's should be cool soon. I made sure to pack lots of sweaters for the munchkin, so bring it on Mother Nature. I love the fall

1 comment:

Tony said...

Mmm, that sounds lovely. When are you passing back through? Maybe we can get together soon. I need to meet this new human of yours.

Oh, and I have some BPAL for you. :)
