What a holiday week! Zoe was baptized on Sunday. So we had many family members in from WI and IL this weekend. In fact DH and I spent most of Thanksgiving cleaning the house, and getting ready. I am exhausted. In fact when I'm done posting this, I'm going to take a nap (as long as the munchkin keeps sleeping). She was such a good baby. With so many people around, she couldn't stay sleeping for more than 15 mins at a time. So her routine was all messed up. But she handled it pretty well, and is slipping right back into place today. She only fussed a little bit when Father John put her into the water, but she had just woke up, so I don't blame her, and she calmed down very quickly. The weekend went very well, but I need more than three weeks until Xmas. I am dreading all the traveling, and hoopla. I hope to just remove myself with the baby from time to time, so "she" can rest. That's the great part about breastfeeding, we can always disappear for awhile. So, we're getting back on track now. Time to get re-organized. Finish the shopping and do the decorating and baking, for Xmas. And maybe, just maybe find some time to knit.